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Sunday 8 January 2012

Well the first week is over, just 51 left to go... It's been a funny old week, a funny challenge at that. I am already aware of the challenge that awaits though and I am also able to realize some of the hurdles that are coming my way, working late three nights a week will offer me little oppertunity to take pics. Maybe I have to resort to the phone or maybe quick snaps, diary entries. I always find it hard with a diary entry, I feel that I have cheated away from really using the camera or somehow I'm giving up on the idea, after a week of leisure this week ahead will offer me the chance to put the measures in place to try to rectify some of these issues before they come knocking.

366 aside, we have been working on ideas with a fellow creative on a Alice in Wonderland theme. Funny how ideas travel and move away from what you think you are going to be doing, it's a great project and I'm lucky to work with two great creative and open minded people on it, so the shots should be not only really challenging (as this is a new adventure for me and camera) but also fun, gritty and maybe open to some photoshop creative play as well. Photoshop....

 Yes, photoshop. What a beast of a program that has become, and a mammoth learning curve. My adventures in the digital darkroom were previously just using RAW techniques in Aperture and maybe some simple filter play on  iPad apps, but, it seems that I have seen and become more open mined to photo-minipulated images as well. My first post about this, with the train carriages was a Great play, since then I have been exploring the world of the fantasy artists and using stock images to meander throught these opportunities. So you may ask... well I think that there is room in my creative arsnel for both genres of work, and I think that the two blend together very well, some of the stock out there is awesome, But I want to be a photographer and make these images myself, perhaps that comes in time, after all I have to learn alot of new skills and techniques. One thing is for sure, some of these ideas will be presenting themselves soon along the lines of this blog and madhatters Flickr page...


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